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The {riskscore} Package

A data package for cataloging riskmetric results across public repositories.

WARNING: Right now, the {riskscore} is in a PoC stage that is not fully operational. With that said, there are several use cases that make the concept of {riskscore} valuable, including (but not limited to) the following: it …

  • Guides more effective discussion around how to summarize risk
  • Helps communicate changes to {riskmetric}’s summarizing algorithm or interpretations of assessment data
  • Aids the {riskmetric} dev team in identifying “edge cases” for analysis and code refinement.
  • Provides a channel to distribute handy tools for building {riskmetric} result data (ie, mimicking how our process for external packages could serve as a useful template for when comparing to internal or private repos).
  • Allows everyone to report risk scores in terms of a “CRAN percentile” instead of just some arbitrary numeric value.
  • Establishes a central repository for package scores, which can be used for many applications, like generating badge scores or trending in a package’s score over time to measure performance.

Are you interested in supporting package development?

We could always use extra help/feedback! Please consider one of the following options: