The R Validation Hub is a working group within the R Consortium. Contact us at





  • November

  • October

    • rOpenSci Community Call: Expanding Software Peer Review: Statistical Package Standards at rOpenSci, Juliane Manitz

  • September

  • August

    • Joint Statistical Meetings: Topic-contributed session “Tools to enable the use of R by the bio-pharmaceutical industry in a regulatory setting”, organizer/chair: Juliane Manitz

      • Paulo Bargo (Abstract #317506): A Risk-based approach for assessing R package accuracy within a validated infrastructure
      • Doug Kelkhoff (Abstract #317498): A workflow to evaluate the quality of R packages using the R package riskmetric
      • Marly Gotti (Abstract #317411): A case study: performing a risk assessment on the tidyverse package using the Risk Assessment Shiny Application
      • Mark Padgham (Abstract #317480): Packages for automated assessment and standands alignment of R packages
      • Yilong Zhang (Abstract #317189): r2rtf - a lightweight R package to produce submission-ready tables and figures in RTF format
  • July

    • useR!: R in Regulated Industries: Assessing Risk with riskmetric, July, Doug Kelkhoff, see recording
  • June

    • Annual Meeting of Statisticians in Pharmaceutical Industry (PSI; June 21-23, 2021): Contributed session

      • Andy Nicholls (GSK) and Paulo Bargo (Janssen R&D): A Risk-based approach for assessing R package accuracy within a validated infrastructure
      • Douglas Kelkhoff (Roche/Genentech): A workflow to evaluate the quality of a set of R packages using the R package riskmetric
      • Marly Gotti (Biogen): A case study: performing a risk assessment on the tidyverse package using the Risk Assessment Shiny Application
      • Keaven Anderson (Merck & Co): Considerations for Testing of R packages
      • Yilong Zhang (Merck & Co): r2rtf - a lightweight R package to produce submission-ready tables and figures in RTF format
  • April

    • National Institute of Statistical Sciences, April, Andy Nicholls

  • January

    • rstudio::global Risk Assessment Tools: R Validation Hub Initiatives, January, Marly Gotti




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